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Comments requested for Cobb Airport Master Plan
The Airport Strategic Planning Board is requesting input as the board finalizes an update to the Airport Master Plan for Cobb County International Airport - McCollum Field.
The Master Plan Update includes identifying the needs over the next 20 years, evaluating potential development options and identifying airfield improvements needed to meet Federal Aviation Administration development/safety standards. The Gulfstream V Aircraft is proposed as the “design aircraft” to be used when applying FAA’s standards to new airport development.
Some of the projects in the draft plan include:
- creating a runway safety area west of the airport by proposing to relocate roads.
- bringing the parallel taxiways to FAA standards by relocating the taxiways to 400 feet from the runway centerline.
- acquiring additional land and ultimately extending the runway to 7,500 feet.
The Airport Board’s noise study of the proposed improvements, with the continuous progress aircraft manufacturers have made in reducing noise in modern aircraft, concluded that the airport’s 2015 noise footprint was less than it was in 2006. Considering the forecast and completion of the master plan projects, the noise footprint in 2035 is predicted to be less than the projected noise footprint was forecast to be in 2026 from the last Master Plan.
Airport Master Plan Update information: CobbCountyAirport.org at bottom left.
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